Seven things I wish for my two girls to celebrate International Day of the Girl

11 October 2016 was International Day of the Girl . A day set up by the Unicef to raise awareness of how gender inequality sadly impacts girls from a young age across the globe and in so many communities. So in honour of International Day of the Girl, I’ve popped up a post for my two girls. They are the two best friends who I never imagined would actually be here. If you’ve read or heard anything about our IVF journey, you’ll know more about the 10% figure. My girls were in that 10%. They little warriors (like most kids). They have also helped me to be the resilient mama I am. Here are seven things I wish for you both. I hope you enjoy reading this one day…

  1. Your mummy always makes you giggle each day. After all I believe that is one of my mama talents. Laughter is so important. Life is stressful girls and we all need a good giggle at some point during the day. img_7006
  2. As sisters you always go to each other for support and encouragement. You will have a bond that is indestructible. If this bond is knocked in any way, you find a way of fixing it. You will reassure each other when things feel a bit wobbly.
  3. You learn from each other. Everyone is different and you’re bound to have different talents. You also learn from your mistakes (it’s more than OK to make them, that’s life).
  4. You find something creative you love doing (it’s blogging, photography, organising things for your Mama). I’m so excited about seeing you grow your own passions.
  5. You get to travel the world. Yes me and Mr H would miss you heaps however old you are. There is so much to see out there. Maybe you will even take your mama and daddy with you!
  6. You always remember your Time to Shine moments where you feel proud of what you’ve achieved (however small). You will be able to remind yourself of your strengths when self-doubt kicks in.img_2063
  7. You love dancing as much as I enjoy our little discos in the lounge. May they happen every week for the rest of our lives together.

Please take a moment to read more about the Unicef’s mission to improve gender equality. There is so much they need to achieve with this important agenda.

See you again soon, Sunita x

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5 thoughts on “Seven things I wish for my two girls to celebrate International Day of the Girl

    • Sunita says:

      Ah lovely to hear from you. I have an older brother. I’m lucky that I had my cousin who lived with us so she’s just like my big sister. I had the best hand-me downs from her. Baby Munch and Big Munch seem to love each other lots apart from when they’re squabbling over toys! xx

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