How has lockdown living impacted your confidence?

Photography by Carly Michael Shoots, taken at a Lucky Things Meet Up at the Folly, Central London n 2019.

Who would have thought 2020 would have turned out like this? We are ALL living amidst a global pandemic. Everyone has been and still is affected in one way or another. We are all busy adapting to changes, big and small. So no wonder, the lockdown year of 2020 has impacted our confidence levels. Read on for some tips of looking after your confidence in an uncertain year.

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Why we will always have to live with change

Lucky Things is all about helping you and others to feel more confident about our wellbeing and our careers. A word that comes up lot in my own head is change. Not just because of my HR career but what we’ve had to deal with along the way. Well, what a year we’ve all had juggling changes due to the pandemic. Pre Covid-19, we all have different experiences of change. It might crop up every now and then or feel like an everyday thing. So why is it that we always have to live with change?  Continue reading

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Why it’s good to think about intentions and not just goals

At the first Central London Lucky Things Meet Up, we heard from one of the world’s leading mindfulness experts and neuroscientists Dr. Tamara Russell . She shared everyday tips on looking after ourselves. Tamara also talked to us about the value of setting intentions. When Tamara and I first planned our talk together, hearing her views on why intentions are helpful made sense. It completely changed my own outlook on setting goals.

Here are some highlights from the talk and why Tamara encourages us to focus on our intentions rather than goals. I’ve also shared how I’ve started to use intentions more. As a intro, here’s what Tamara’s has to say about intentions in her book Mindfulness in Motion (Watkins, 2015). Continue reading

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Why it’s important to define your own success

Success is a huge word. It means so many different things. It affects us whether we’re juggling our careers, studies, parenthood, creative projects or even our own health. Success can be a real driver to get things done or reach a certain benchmark in our lives. So why is it important to define your success before you move towards what you want from different corners of your life? Continue reading

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Top tips to deal with imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is all about doubting your own skills, strengths and talents. You can even make yourself believe that you’re not good enough as others. You may feel like a fraud when you’re trying to hustle through your work, business or other priorities. So here’s some tips to deal with imposter syndrome. Continue reading

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Top tips on feeling confident about your children starting school

In the run up to children starting or returning school after half-terms or holidays, there can be a whirlwind of emotions. We focus lots on how much we want our children to feel happy and confident about starting school, but what about the grown ups? It’s also important to look after your own wellbeing and confidence as a parent when your child walks into a new era. So here’s some ideas about how to feel confident and happy when your child is returning to or starting school.

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Talking on BBC Radio about entertaining kids over the holidays

On 24 July 2017 I was invited back to BBC Radio. This time to talk about entertaining the kids and looking after ourselves as parents and carers during the summer holidays. Together with BBC Radio host Tulip Mazumdar and bloggers Nilly Dahlia and Daddy Daze UK, we shared tips on what to do with kids come rain or shine.  For me, it’s also about looking after yourself as a grown-up during the summer holidays – we need to be entertained too! The below tricks can also help you to feel more confident about what you can do together and what’s manageable.  Continue reading

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Talking about Design, Confidence and Wellbeing – a collaboration with British brand Neptune

Design is everywhere. It’s in our everyday spaces inside and outside the home. I was invited to talk about Design, Confidence and Wellbeing at the home interiors store Neptune in Wimbledon, London.  I wanted to share the highlights from my 2017 talk as well as the evening with guests from a range of backgrounds including interior design, fashion and lifestyle blogging. So why a talk on design, confidence and wellbeing and what’s the link between all three?

Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe; the practical with the desirable”.

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How it felt to be a speaker at the Lucky Things Meet Up? By Lucy Eastment, Styled by Lucy

The Lucky Things Meet Ups and Lucky Things Locals are all about bringing people together in real life. Organising the Lucky Things Meet Ups across the UK gives me amazing opportunities to collaborate with talented women. However, when I first approach people in (and outside of) my network  about whether they’d like to speak at the Lucky Things Meet Ups, there isn’t a typical reaction. Many often respond with a “Oh no I couldn’t do that – I can’t speak in front of a big group of people“. After giving them some time to reflect, a follow-up response pops up in my inbox.

It’s these follow-up responses that remind me about why I set up the Lucky Things Meet Ups in the first place – it’s also about giving people the opportunity to shine and share their expertise. It’s not about their career accolades, the size of their Instagram following or the scale of their business. It’s just about being an expert in their own right. It’s about being inclusive and showcasing a diverse range of talent across the UK.  I first met Lucy at London’s Lucky Thing Meet Up in January 2017. So here’s Lucy’s story, Personal Stylist from Styled by Lucy.

How it felt to be asked to be a speaker at the Lucky Things Meet Up?

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