Top tips on kids’ routines from children’s behaviour expert Livvy Gormally, Lets Ask Livvy

As a parent, I know I will forever have questions about whether I’m doing the right thing when looking after, nurturing and teaching my two girls about everyday life. It was fab seeing Livvy Gormally from Let’s Ask Livvy talk about all things parenting at the Mothers Meeting at Shoreditch House in London. From sleep routines, weaning and navigating tantrums, we all hit some critical parenting topics. We also talked a lot about how to encourage our babies and children to follow routines or adapt to changes in everyday plans. The Mothers Meeting crowd in the house also had the chance to ask Livvy lots of questions.img_8779 Continue reading

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Seven things I wish for my two girls to celebrate International Day of the Girl

11 October 2016 was International Day of the Girl . A day set up by the Unicef to raise awareness of how gender inequality sadly impacts girls from a young age across the globe and in so many communities. So in honour of International Day of the Girl, I’ve popped up a post for my two girls. They are the two best friends who I never imagined would actually be here. If you’ve read or heard anything about our IVF journey, you’ll know more about the 10% figure. My girls were in that 10%. They little warriors (like most kids). They have also helped me to be the resilient mama I am. Here are seven things I wish for you both. I hope you enjoy reading this one day… Continue reading

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