At the London Lucky Things Meet Up in January 2017, the theme was looking after yourself. Not only did we hear tips from one of the UK’s leading mindfulness experts Dr.Tamara Russell, we also heard each other’s ideas for taking care of ourselves. I encouraged the attendees to think of a nurture wish they would like to pursue during the following month. I didn’t suggest something for the whole year as sometimes you just need to try things out. It had to be something that would be good for them as individuals. So what better way to kick off my 40th year with a list of 40 ways to look after yourself. These are just 40 of the nurture wishes people shared with me at the Lucky Things Meet Up. Enjoy this list and hope it also offers a bit of self-care inspiration…
- Find time to complete some short mindful exercises
- Spend 3 minutes each day just trying out some mindfulness
Being present and social media switch-off
- Be more present with my daughter in the morning
- I intend to be present with my children after school until bedtime
- Make (real) time for my children
- Put my phone down when it most matters – breakfast time, after work/school
- Social media switch off for one hour after dinner
Being social and creative
- I want to bake with my children more (not just orders from friends and family)
- Time out with friend
- More time with friends without feeling guilty about it
- To make connections with appropriate people
Food and drink
- Eat a proper lunch everyday so I don’t binge at night!
- Just drink more water
- Enjoy a good book whilst having a bath
- To be more active
- Get outdoors more at lunchtime
- Exercise more
- Swimming
- Finally do weekly dance exercise classes with two good friends
- Practice yoga daily
- Pilates
- Buy myself some flowers
- Buy myself a vase to put flowers in!
- Have breakfast out on my own – no phone – just me!
- Having my nails done makes me feel together and it’s something that’s good for my confidence
- Allow some time once a week to pamper myself even if it’s just a face mask
- Have a facial
- Have a bath with candles and relaxing music more often
- Massage
- Wear more hand cream
Emotional wellbeing
- Stop getting stressed about little things
- To breathe instead of shout when I get upset
- Don’t waste time on what I think others think
- Stop getting upset about other people’s actions
- Try not to compare myself to others and what they’re doing
Career and project wishes
- Don’t set too many goals
- Finish my website
- Work on my business plan
- Find a stylist course
- Clearing out and decluttering
Thanks to everyone who jotted down their nurture wish.
Over to you…Do you do any of the above? What would you like to be your nurture wish for the next month or two? Anything you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t got round to it? Leave a comment below…
Catch up again soon x Sunita (off to drink more water…)
Further dates for the Lucky Things Meet Ups
The Lucky Things Meet Ups are known for being friendly and inclusive networking events for all women. Click here to find out about forthcoming Lucky Things events. Please get in touch at if you’d like to hear more about future dates.
Thanks for this Sunita – lots of great ideas… these thoughts came at a good time for me… it is so important to take care of ourselves and not expect too much from ourselves, especially so we can be at our best for others if they need us.
Keep up the great work!