Parenting: What does confidence look like for children by Livvy Gormally, Let’s Ask Livvy (part 1)

On Lucky Things blog, we talk a fair bit about confidence. It’s something that comes and goes and impacts all of us. So what about confidence for our children? I met Livvy Gormally a few months ago when she shared her top tips on managing routines. Livvy is a children’s behaviour expert, applied behaviour analysis (ABA) consultant and parenting coach. I asked her to share some top tips on how we can help our kids to feel confident. Over to Livvy for part 1 of her guest post… Continue reading

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Lucky Things Inspire: Ursula, co-founder of Mum Days

It’s great hearing about new brands and more importantly the people behind them.It’s not just social media that helps to spread the word, good old  word-of-mouth works too. I first heard about Mumsdays through my work mate Laura. It’s great how we enjoy connecting each other with people and ideas. So I wanted to share more about the co-founder of this thoughtful online gift hub. It was lovely hearing from Ursula about going to gigs as a kid, looking after twins and our shared love of 80s classic disco tunes….

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Top tips from the end of 2016 Mothers Meeting Confidence Conference

It’s pretty important to get people together. The last Mothers Meeting of 2016 brought together lots of talented ladies at London’s The Town Hall Hotel.  Not just a community of old and new faces but also the amazing entrepreneurs at the Christmas market. As the end of 2016 approaches  a lot of us are thinking about the year behind us. We’re thinking about the ups and downs, the ins and outs of how we got through it and what we have planned for 2017 (crikey, where has the year gone?).

At this Mothers Meeting Confidence Conference we heard from a panel about what they have learnt from 2016. They also shared their highlights. Cherry Healey hosted the chat on the sofa featuring Anna from Mother Pukka, Zoe from Dress Like A Mum, Steph from Don’t Buy Her Flowers, Hollie, creator of Yes Mum cards, Clemmie from Mother of Daughters and Clemmie Telford from Mother of All Lists.


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Looking back at Christmas traditions from my childhood

This is the first Christmas where Big Munch really gets it. It’s like they’ve had an expert come into her pre-school class to talk about the Big Man and his elf crew. We have never mentioned the so-called ins and outs of how Christmas and Santa’s empire works but somehow she has gained her own knowledge.

The other Sunday we put up our tree. For the past few years we’ve been using a reusable plastic, easy to put it together, Christmas tree from Argos. It did the trick. But this year Big Munch’s daddy Mr.H said we should definitely have a real Christmas tree. So it was quite emotional (well for me) to see Big Munch decorate her first tree. Kids take so much pride in stuff like that. A real sense of responsibility coupled with amazement as she discovered each Christmas decoration. It made me think back to the Christmas traditions from my own childhood… Continue reading

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Wellbeing: Looking after yourself when getting ready for Christmas

Hey everyone, hope your week is going OK. Well I’m sure we’re all busy juggling our to-do lists in the run up to the festive season. Work always feels manic before Christmas  as people want to get everything sorted before they head off for a few days break.  At the end of January, we have the next Lucky Things Meet Up. The theme for this Meet Up is Being Mindful, Being You. We have leading mindfulness expert Dr.Tamara Russell talking about #whatismindfulness. She’s also sharing some easy and everyday mindfulness tricks. There’s very much a wellbeing theme as I’ll be talking about my Time to Shine Seven Tricks to Look After Yourself.

As Christmas is only a few weeks away, I asked Dr. Tamara Russell for some top tips on looking after ourselves whilst we’re getting ready for the busy season. Here’s what she said when I interviewed her last week… Continue reading

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Get crafty – why grown ups should have fun with art and crafts too

I’m definitely an arty kind of girl. I’d always be making something when I was little. It suited my shy personality. I’d happily sit at the kitchen table and make something out of nothing. I’d make something whilst watching my cartoons (the start of multi-tasking I guess). On holidays I came up with my own art projects. Total art geek right? At school I’d start customising my friends school shirts with embroidery (basic stitch of course!). I stitched Bros logos onto mine! Recently, I’ve realised there are lots of reasons for grown ups to have fun doing art and crafts too. I also had a fab time with the London Craft Club the other week. Continue reading

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Seven reasons to get out and about with your kids

Over the past couple of months I’ve been much better at getting out and about on my own with three-year old Big Munch and Toddler Munch. To be honest, it’s taken me a while to feel really confident about going into town with two in tow. But now I’ve kind of mastered it. Seeing my friends at different events and gatherings recently reminded me why it’s so important to get out and about with our babies, toddlers and kids. Continue reading

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Seven things I love about the Mama Meets at Olive Loves Alfie East, London

One thing I know is that it’s really important for me to get out and about in London with the girls. Even more important to do this when I’m looking after the girls on my own. The other week I popped along to my first Mama Meet at the creative family store Olive Loves Alfie East.  It was a day out for me and my two girls as we ventured over to Stratford with Big Munch on foot and Toddler Munch in the buggy. The Mama Meet is a chilled gathering organised by the store and Emma from Finlay and Fox. I heard about the Mama Meet through Instagram and spotted that Mary and Emma from Supercharged Club were doing a talk. I grabbed a ticket online.olivelovesaflie-14

Here’s seven things we loved about the Mama Meet… Continue reading

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