Wellbeing: Looking after yourself when getting ready for Christmas

Hey everyone, hope your week is going OK. Well I’m sure we’re all busy juggling our to-do lists in the run up to the festive season. Work always feels manic before Christmas  as people want to get everything sorted before they head off for a few days break.  At the end of January, we have the next Lucky Things Meet Up. The theme for this Meet Up is Being Mindful, Being You. We have leading mindfulness expert Dr.Tamara Russell talking about #whatismindfulness. She’s also sharing some easy and everyday mindfulness tricks. There’s very much a wellbeing theme as I’ll be talking about my Time to Shine Seven Tricks to Look After Yourself.

As Christmas is only a few weeks away, I asked Dr. Tamara Russell for some top tips on looking after ourselves whilst we’re getting ready for the busy season. Here’s what she said when I interviewed her last week…

1. Set your own pace – A big part of Christmas is that we get drawn into this crazy hustle. We’re busy organising family gatherings, outings, what to eat, what to buy and what else is on everyone’s Christmas wish list. So, some planning helps. Try and plan what you really need to focus your time and energy on each day and week. This also stops you from getting drawn into last minute panic buying.

2.Pause for yourself and as a family – Think about what is the intention of this Christmas period for you and your family and keep that in mind. We all get pulled into this consumer agenda but is the holiday season is also about spending time with one another, playing with kids, seeing or getting in touch with people (and many you may not get to see often).

3. Go retro! – Revisit older Christmases. Think about how people celebrated Christmas in the past. Think retro with games and jigsaws or Scrabble. So investigate your own family traditions, what you enjoyed doing as a child and what your parents did? What is a retro Christmas activity that would be fun so everyone doesn’t just disappear off to different rooms after opening presents?
Make sure you’re taking a bit of time out over the coming weeks to look after yourself, even if it’s five minutes of pausing or maybe just enjoying little moments.

Catch up again soon X Sunita

The next Lucky Things Meet Up

Early Bird tickets have now sold out for the next event on Saturday 28 January 2017. A small number of tickets will be released at the start of January for those who need to decide if they can make it nearer the time. The event is ticket-only. Check out more info over in Eventbrite. There is also a Meet Up being planned for Spring.  If you would like to be on the e-bulletin for the Lucky Things Meet Ups for 2017 please pop over your email to sunita@luckythings.co.uk

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0 thoughts on “Wellbeing: Looking after yourself when getting ready for Christmas

  1. Blanca Nieves says:

    I love these tips. This is so so true. Just getting everyone to take part in a game of Jenga can be the most hilarious and memorable part of Christmas Day. Besides the food of course which is very very important in our house!
    We also do secret santa for the adults in our family so everyone just has to buy one thoughtful gift for the day and we each receive just one gift. It works really well and we’ve all been less stressed in the run up to Christmas since we started the tradition about five years ago Xx

    • Sunita says:

      So fab to hear what you think Blanca Nieves. Ha ha Jenga is a good one. Can’t wait to play that with the girls when they’re older. Ah yes food!!!!! Critical for any Christmas tradition ha ha. That’s so cool you do secret Santa for the grown ups. What a good idea and it means less wasted gifts! Good reason to avoid the crowded high streets at this time of the year. Thanks for hanging out at Lucky Things Xxx

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