7 Things I learned from Myleene Klass at the Mothers Meetings’ My K party

Hey everyone. So hopefully you’ve been able to take a look at my previous post on the lovely Mothers Meetings party celebrating the new My K by Myleene range. One of the main reasons why we all headed to the Mothers Meetings‘ gathering was to hear Cherry Healey chat to Myleene about working on My K, being a #mumboss and other important stuff. As Cherry described Myleene, she’s a savvy business woman doing so many different things. We could see and feel her passion during the talk. It was cool that we had the chance to ask her so many questions. Continue reading

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Our Mothers Meetings afternoon with Myleene Klass and her new My K by Myleene range for Mothercare

Mummy and daughter one-to-one dates are so important. I was Baby Munch’s plus one at the launch party for Myleene Klass’ My K kids range organised by Mothers Meetings and Mothercare. We actually arrived on time at the Town Hall Hotel in Bethnal Green – an achievement for any mama and babba. Cherry Healey was leading the talk with Myleene so I knew they’d be guaranteed giggles.

Jenny at Mothers Meetings along with her organised crew arranged a great afternoon. Older kids hung out at the craft table, mamas had fun browsing the new My K range and toddlers mooched around the party floor trying to reach the biggest balloons they’d ever seen.

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Lucky Things Inspire: An interview with Yvonne from KemiKids

It’s very easy to not feel good enough for this or good enough for that. Self-doubt is a common feeling  even for the most positive and confident people around us. I first came across Yvonne and her amazing work on Instagram. We started chatting through comments on each others’ InstaFeeds and through our lovely mutual connections on Instagram. You probably know that I’m a fan of bright colours and how important they are in my everyday life. Yvonne’s InstaPics always brighten up my day. Her comments are real, human but also glow with encouragement and positivity. Continue reading

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Lucky Things Inspire: An interview with Johanna Rossi from Raising Women

Hello, hope your week is going OK. I recently came across Raising Women on Instagram. Initially I thought this was something about bringing up your daughters. The tag line on the profile explained that Raising Women is “A connected and supportive community helping women balance motherhood with becoming who they were meant to be”. I was intrigued.

A lot of what I love about Instagram is about how you can find support and inspiration from other Insta-communities and individuals you may not have the chance to meet in everyday life. These people aren’t celebrities or anything, they’re just people getting on with the ups and downs of life like us.

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7 reasons why it feels like Autumn is here already


We actually had heat waves in August. Funny how we call them heat waves when the weather should really be like that in August. Usually it might rain for Notting Hill Carnival and the Bank Holiday. Last weekend wasn’t too bad. Well, hey September you’re here already. Why is that on Thursday 1 September, the weather suddenly changed in London? Is there a seasonal clock that switches on as soon as we hit September? Only a few days into September, here’s 7 reasons why it feels like Autumn already… Continue reading

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Lucky Things Film: 7 things I learned from Bad Moms

So if you liked The Hangover, go check out Bad Moms. I was a bit sceptical at first. Would it be too cheesy for me? Nope. I’m warning you now, take your tissues as you’ll be in tears throughout (as you’ll be laughing so much). One of my favourite actresses is in Bad Moms, Mila Kunis  (Amy) who is her usual hilarious self. I’ve always rated her since I saw her in Best Friends with gold old talented Justin Timberlake.

My mum friend and I were guests at one of our local Everyman Cinemas (thanks to the Everyman crew for looking after us so well). We could have been Bad Moms and treated ourselves to lots of cocktails or large glasses of wine. Instead, to keep my sweet tooth happy, we tried out their milkshakes. They were basically desserts in a glass jar, perfect for our me-treat night out as friends. The seating areas at Everyman Cinemas are legendary. So the two of us had a nice catch up before heading into the screen. Continue reading

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Lucky Things Beauty: Amazing beauty tips from Grace Timothy – Mum Face blogger and vlogger

One of the many highlights of popping along to the Mama Squad Assemble the other Saturday afternoon was hearing Grace Timothy chat about her beauty tips. She set up the Mum Face blog and You Tube channel to share gems of knowledge from her 10 years+ in the beauty industry.

So why did Grace start Mum Face? Whilst working at Glamour magazine, she became pregnant and started getting gestational acne. As she felt her face melting into her laptop (Grace’s words!) she realised she needed to find out what products she was allowed use during her pregnancy. Then when she had her daughter, a new hormonal weirdness appeared.

So Mum Face was born – a women’s-pregnancy-mummy-everyday beauty blog. It’s for everyone. She also wanted to share tips on managing the worse case beauty scenarios! She wanted other women to see products in different ways.  Grace loves trying out products for us as she doesn’t want us to waste our money. Grace is fab at blogging and vlogging as she’s a natural over-sharer. Like a beauty super heroine, she loves busting beauty myths.  Continue reading

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Seven things I loved about The Mama Squad Assemble…

_MG_6144I first came across Mama Squad on Instagram. It’s a community set up by the lovely Donna. It’s all about celebrating mamas and supporting each other. Donna organised The Mama Squad Assemble so ladies could hang out, enjoy some me-treat time, learn about stuff and go home with a bit of inspiration. Even better as Mama Squad Assemble featured a talk by Grace Timothy of Mum Face. Grace has worked in the beauty journalism business for over 10 years including a role as Contributing Beauty Editor at Glamour. Yep, she really does know her stuff when it comes to looking good and more importantly feeling good.

Taking an afternoon off as mummy can feel like a big thing. When you have time to yourself, you feel like doing something worthwhile. Want to hear more about what we got up to? Here’s seven things I loved about the Mama Squad Assemble… Continue reading

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Time to Shine: Confidence tips from a career in TV by special guest Kimberly…

A quick welcome to Lucky Things’ Time to Shine…

Before you read this post, I just wanted to add a very warm and hi-five welcome to my first guest writer for the new Lucky Things series. Basically,  Time to Shine lets peeps (I know and don’t know) “borrow my blog”. The main reason for hosting this is because everyone needs their time to shine, be creative, write some nice stuff and not everyone wants their own blog! Plus it’s great learning about others’ real-life experiences.

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