What does GEM mean to me?

There are few things that GEM mean to me and my family. GEM is an abbreviation for gemstone. If I were to flick through the Sunita-cyclopedia I’m sure it says something that is strong, sparkly and precious. Sometimes I find myself saying to others “You’re a gem”. It means someone who is so supportive and just fabulous. I always feel grateful for everyone’s help and encouragement.

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Will my daughters love how they look?

Through my eyes, my two daughters are of course beautiful. I will always see their beauty. But how will they appreciate their own beauty as they grow up? What will they be thinking about when they look at themselves in the mirror? I’ve started to think about this more for a number of reasons. Three-year old Big Munch starts school next year. She will enter school life and be exposed to all of the body-image issues it brings with being around so many other girls and boys. She will start building her own identity. She will become more aware of her personality as well as her looks.

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#Blogfest16 – Seven inspiring thoughts from the opening talk – Women online, where to from here

The Mumsnet #Blogfest16 was an inspiring day. It was also a fun day if you’ve seen my Instagram corner lately. Quite a few posts are on their way, including my #Blogfest16 Style Round-Up and my #Blogfest16 in Pictures (thanks to everyone who let me snap photos of them). One thing I love about blogging is that I get to share bits of inspiration with you. You don’t have to be a blogger to enjoy the posts in my #Blogfest16 series. To kick off, here’s seven inspiring thoughts from the opening talk.

We heard many thoughts on expressing our views and the power of social media. A timely discussion bearing in mind the news this week. Compered by Mumsnet Founder Justine Roberts, the talented panel featured views, debates and laughs from BBC journalist Fifi Glover, comedienne Shappi Khorsandi, Jess Phillips MP and blogger Victoria Smith from Gloss Witch. Continue reading

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Blogger: Why I’m off to Mumsnet #Blogfest16

It’s obvious I love blogging. There are lots of reasons why. I’m heading to Mumsnet #Blogfest16 with about 500 other blogger colleagues. In true Lucky Things style, here’s seven reasons why…

  1. It’s good to get people together…It’s lovely looking at the Insta comments and Tweets seeing that blogger pals are going to be meeting up (and for the first time). There’s a real energy when you get to see people IRL who you don’t get to see in person much. We loved getting everyone together at the first ever Lucky Things Meet Up back in October. This year, I’ve encouraged a few of my blogger pals (well friends really) to come along to their first blogger conference. Thanks to jeniwhitchurch from Where I Write who won tickets last minute and kindly gave the second prize to one of my friends.

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Lucky Things has won a Sunshine Blogger Award…

There’s a lot of love going around the blogging community. Everyone has been busy awarding each other for a Sunshine Blogger Award. I was given this award by my good friend and NCT pal Kimberly who is also now a blogger – check out her adventures and funny posts over at Media Mummy. The Sunshine Blogger Award is a fun way to find out more about us bloggers as we have to answer 11 questions set by the other blogger. As my lovely workmate R said to me the other week “I love it when we find out more about Sunita on the blog”. So here we go… Continue reading

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Blogger: Seven top tips for your first blogger conference (I’m off to #Blogfest16)

Back in June 2016, I went to my first bloggers conference run by BritMums #BML16. I had the best time. Yes, it was a crazy busy day but I met loads of amazing bloggers and other peeps who I’ve become friends with or collaborated with. After #BML16 I knew that I wanted to go to Blogfest 2016 in November. Over the past few months, I’ve been encouraging many blogger friends to head to their first bloggers conference. So it’s fab that some of them will be coming along to #Blogfest16. As with most blogger conferences, there is so much to do and see during the day. Best of all, there are so many lovely people to meet and say hi to.


Here are my seven tips if you’re heading to your first blogger conference (also handy reminders for those who aren’t newbies)… Continue reading

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Why I’m supporting National Fertility Awareness Week UK

If you’ve been hanging out on this blog, then you’ll know we did IVF for Big Munch and Toddler Munch. At the time of realising we needed to do IVF,  I was extremely private about having to start this journey. It was due to my fertility-infertility make up. I confided in a few friends and even fewer family members. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I couldn’t have children naturally.

img_9299So this week, via the blog, Twitter and Instagram I’m championing two things. Firstly, if you have a fertility-infertility journey to talk about, and if you’re ready, please share this. The more we walk about our own experiences the more we will remove the stigma. Secondly, if you happen to be going through IVF or about to start then please seek the right support for you. It’s a brave step but it will be worth it. You are only looking after yourself.

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Why it’s important to celebrate small milestones 

When was the last time you celebrated a small milestone or achievement? We are so busy juggling our to-do lists and getting on with everyday life we often forget to give ourselves a pat on the back. With the blogger world being as huge as it is, it’s even more important to celebrate the small milestones. So whatever you’re getting on with in everyday life, here’s seven reasons why it’s important to celebrate small milestones… Continue reading

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Things we love about grandparents 

My parents came over to the UK in their early twenties, leaving their families in Mauritius. Growing up, one of the things I feel I missed out on was having grandparents nearby. Our parents took us to Mauritius every couple of years so I was able to see my grandparents on my mum’s side. My Dad’s mum passed away before I was born. Continue reading

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