Seven things I learned from Davina McCall


After seeing Davina McCall pop-up on Big Brother and Street Date over the years, it was cool seeing her in real life. She’s a normal lady and mama like the rest of us.Davina McCall seemed pretty chuffed to be rounding off the Mumsnet #Blogfest16 day at Kings Place. Her outro talk rocked the house. Here’s seven things I learned from Davina…img_8545

  1. Preparation isn’t always key…I love preparing for stuff and my goodness especially if I have to do any talks or presentations. Davina admitted she hadn’t really planned her talk for #Blogfest16. She didn’t have time. I loved her freestyle approach. In true Davina style, we laughed at her jokes and empathised with her frankness. She taught us that it’s OK to be 100% winging it. Things can work out just fine.
  2. We all have rubbish days…Davina opened her talk but telling us honestly about her day so far. There was lots of family stuff going on. But if we’re up to it, this doesn’t mean we can still get on with stuff and do things we enjoy. She genuinely seemed happy to be chatting to the big crowd. She gave us a burst of energy after early starts and a very long day.
  3. We’re always evolving…Davina took us back to her early twenties where she suffered from drug addictions. She expressed how she hated herself at that time. She reminded us that things can change and we can change for the better. Davina described herself as work in progress. Looking after ourselves and giving ourselves a break is so important.
  4. It’s about attitude and gratitude…It’s about being grateful for the little things. I obviously loved this bit as that’s what Lucky Things blog is about. Davina chatted to us about taking the right attitude and it’s not about material things but just appreciating the basic things in our lives. Our hearts sank when she told us about the last seven weeks she shared with her Sister.
  5. Try re-framing the difficult moments…When things are NOT feeling good, you can re-frame how you view this situation. In her eyes, it’s about looking for what she’s feeling grateful for. I loved what she said about “ignore the bad and love the good”. She talked about blocking the negative people. She brought this to life by telling us how she avoids reading any press about herself.
  6. Boosting your self-confidence by being a better person…By helping others and getting involved in charity work, Davina found one source of self-confidence. She also talked about her mirror task set by her rehab sponsor. Each morning she had to look in the mirror and say “I love you”. Davina admitted she couldn’t do this for ages, then slowly started to say “I like you”. After a year and a half, she then looked at her reflection and finally managed to said “I love you”.
  7. The tiny things make a difference…Whether it’s wearing a bit of lipgloss, turning up five minutes early (not always easy!) or just looking after yourself, Davina reminded us that we need to pat ourselves on the back for these things. I know wearing lipstick gives me a little boost. Plus it’s an achievement if it doesn’t end up all over my teeth! There are lots of things we love about lipstick. Davina was happy to be sporting her new jacket. She told us how she bought it especially for the talk and for us. If you’ve seen my previous confidence tips, wearing something can help you to feel good when you have a big or important task ahead.img_8543

So thank you Davina for your inspirational and everyday gems.

Over to you…What did you like from Davina’s talk and the above round-up? What makes you feel more confident about yourself? What everyday hurdles are you proud of conquering recently? Leave a little comment below, I’d love to hear from you too…

x Sunita

P.S. If you liked this post, you may also enjoy Inspiring thoughts from the intro talk – women online, where to from here.

My style round-up at #Blogfest16

Why I’m off to Mumsnet #Blogfest16

The Pramshed
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0 thoughts on “Seven things I learned from Davina McCall

  1. Hooks and Dragons says:

    I think Davina is an inspirational woman, she also comes across as someone you could go down the pub with and have a real good laugh with.
    I agree with the confidence coming from helping others. My work supporting adults with LD gives me great joy and a sense of confidence as I help my guys to be independant.

    • Sunita says:

      Thanks for stopping by. Davina really is amazing. Her story is very real. She’s be fab to hang out with down the pub!!!
      Helping others is so rewarding and it does remind us of the good things we’re capable of.

  2. twotinyhands says:

    I wasn’t at blogfest but that would have been a brilliant talk to see. I like all the positivity that she is pushing. I totally couldn’t wing something like that! Thanks for linking #fortheloveofblog

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