Dealing with FOMO – the fear of missing out

The fear of missing out. FOMO contains a big word: fear. None of us want to fear anything do we? It can affect us from childhood, in our teens and in our grown up years. Even my girls have a bit of FOMO. Why end the day and have to go to bed? Last night I heard “I want to come in your room Mummy” a hundred times as Big Munch must have known I was planning my outfits for the week. Coming back to the grown up world, with people more on social media we can see what others are doing, where they’re hanging out and what they’ve been invited to. Here’s some tips on how to deal with FOMO – the fear of missing out.   Continue reading

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Blogger: What brands want from blogs? Seven top tips from the Mothers Meeting

So last week’s Mothers Meeting Confidence Conference was jam-packed with advice and top tips. This time it was about how bloggers can work with brands and PR agencies. The crowd was fab and it was a full house at the Town Hall Hotel in Bethnal Green. Love it how Mothers Meeting hold their events in the Old Court Room – it makes us all feel very grown-up.

We heard top tips from a fab panel of brand experts (left to right in the below pic)…

  • Alex Holder, Content Director, Elle Magazine
  • Holly Eddleston, Director of Influencer Marketing, Exposure PR
  • Noella Dixon, Head of PR, Mothercare
  • Jo Jackson, Global Head of Content and Creative Services, Diesel (and her baby)

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#Blogfest16 – Seven inspiring thoughts from the opening talk – Women online, where to from here

The Mumsnet #Blogfest16 was an inspiring day. It was also a fun day if you’ve seen my Instagram corner lately. Quite a few posts are on their way, including my #Blogfest16 Style Round-Up and my #Blogfest16 in Pictures (thanks to everyone who let me snap photos of them). One thing I love about blogging is that I get to share bits of inspiration with you. You don’t have to be a blogger to enjoy the posts in my #Blogfest16 series. To kick off, here’s seven inspiring thoughts from the opening talk.

We heard many thoughts on expressing our views and the power of social media. A timely discussion bearing in mind the news this week. Compered by Mumsnet Founder Justine Roberts, the talented panel featured views, debates and laughs from BBC journalist Fifi Glover, comedienne Shappi Khorsandi, Jess Phillips MP and blogger Victoria Smith from Gloss Witch. Continue reading

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Blogger: Seven top tips for your first blogger conference (I’m off to #Blogfest16)

Back in June 2016, I went to my first bloggers conference run by BritMums #BML16. I had the best time. Yes, it was a crazy busy day but I met loads of amazing bloggers and other peeps who I’ve become friends with or collaborated with. After #BML16 I knew that I wanted to go to Blogfest 2016 in November. Over the past few months, I’ve been encouraging many blogger friends to head to their first bloggers conference. So it’s fab that some of them will be coming along to #Blogfest16. As with most blogger conferences, there is so much to do and see during the day. Best of all, there are so many lovely people to meet and say hi to.


Here are my seven tips if you’re heading to your first blogger conference (also handy reminders for those who aren’t newbies)… Continue reading

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Why it’s important to celebrate small milestones 

When was the last time you celebrated a small milestone or achievement? We are so busy juggling our to-do lists and getting on with everyday life we often forget to give ourselves a pat on the back. With the blogger world being as huge as it is, it’s even more important to celebrate the small milestones. So whatever you’re getting on with in everyday life, here’s seven reasons why it’s important to celebrate small milestones… Continue reading

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The Lucky Things Meet Up in pictures 

Yesterday, I wrote about why it’s important to get people together and what inspired me to organise the first Lucky Things Meet up. Looking at the event on Instagram and doing a little search on #luckythingsmeetup has been lots of fun. Everyone captured  fab photos of our afternoon. In-between lots of chatting, I managed to take a few snaps of some of the lovely ladies who came along. I know I didn’t get to take pics of lots of you who were also there. Enjoy flicking through our afternoon at the Lucky Things Meet Up…
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Blogger: Seven top tips for bloggers from Alex at The Frugality

If you’ve seen my earlier post on Seven things I learned from Melanie C, you’ll know that Stylist Live was full of inspiration. About this time last year when I told my two friends C and B that I wanted to start a blog. They both independently said I should go and check out the blog called The Frugality. From my first read, I loved what Alex’s blog stood for – affordable style and a passion for sharing the latest high street bargains with everyone. At Stylist Live, Alex did a talk on How to turn your blog into a brand and stay authentic. Here’s seven top blogging tips I was keen to share from Alex’s talk…


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Lucky Things Blogger: 7 Things I love about the Instagram community 

I’ve always had a thing for pictures. Probably around the age I started getting into photography. Also around the time I arrived in London. Then a few years ago Instagram popped up. I loved it. I could look at pictures for ages. Flickr appeared in my life but we didn’t have the same bond. Having launched @luckythingsblog properly about 6 months ago now I’ve loved what my Instagram has grown into.

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Lucky Things Blogger: Finding sources of inspiration for your blog posts

Hey, I hope your week is going ok. Recently, some of my friends have been asking me how I find the time to write a blog?! I often explain that it doesn’t feel that time consuming as I love writing little blog posts. They can see that Lucky Things is my hobby, me-treat and little sanctuary.

I seem to have a growing list of new posts to capture on the blog. Maybe this is because the blog is less than a year old and so I still have heaps to write about. Maybe a bloggers writing block will hit me one day and I’ll be wondering how to get around it. In the meantime, there are lots of people, places or things that inspire my posts. Sometimes we need to remember that everyday things can offer lots of inspiration too. So I thought I’d share a few sources of inspiration here for anyone who likes to blog, write, be creative or just read blogs… Continue reading

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