I learnt so much from the blogger conference Mom 2.0. The summit officially kicked off with a keynote conversation between actress and producer Julianna Margulies, well known for her leading roles in ER and The Good Wife, and Dove’s #realbeauty Ambassador Jess Weiner. Hearing two incredible and down-to-earth women speak helped to wash away my jet-lag. Here’s seven things I learnt from Julianna that morning…
Find your own values…As the years go by we realise what’s important to us and the values we wish to live by (when possible!). For Julianna, being dependable is one of her favourite values. Julianna talked about a friendship where they are often there for each other and over text messages. When she’s experiencing more of the topsy turvy side of the world, she texts her friend for her support. Being dependable is critical to relationships, family, work and play.
One door closes and another opens…In the world of acting and filming, people have experience rejection all of the time. Julianna talked about opportunities that come and go. She also reassured us that it’s good to feel courageous whenever you’re in that limbo moment in the meantime. This also reminded me about something Anna Whitehouse from www.mother-pukka.com said. Anna mentioned that when you’re in your own business there will be grey moments when it feels like things are happening. So dealing with the limbo moments is critical when we’re managing our own careers or businesses.
It was ironic hearing Julianna’s words on one door closes and another opens that morning. I’d received an email updating me that it was a “no” for a work opportunity. One hour later we heard that the voting commenced for the Top London Mummy Blogger Award so that gave me a boost. Later that day another door opened as I was confirmed to work with a major brand for one of their conference panels.
Listen to yourself…Jess asked Julianna about what she does to reconnect with herself? Julianna explained that it’s important that she listens to herself when she’s trying to suss something out. She also said how “No one has my life” and is in her shoes. This also reinforces the importance of listening to or following your own opinion. Julianna also reminded us that we often assess our worth on others’ opinions. Something that’s very easy to do.
Be aware of how you want the world to perceive you…The world is much smaller now because of social media. Plus more of us are hanging out on social media. Julianne talked about how she’s considered about what she shares on her social media platform. She wants people to have the right impression of her and what she’s really about. As Julianna says “think before you tweet!”
Working with female professionals… Julianna talked about how when she has worked with women directors she has found them to be incredibly prepared. She’s also noticed how they nurture actors so they get the right performances out of them. I don’t want to stereotype but women shouldn’t ignore the power and strength in their nurturing qualities, especially in our careers and the professional world.
The beauty of being older… Julianna made several jokes about her age. She’s fifty! Yes, fifty. I thought she was forty. Julianna joked that she is more likely to say what she thinks so her husband always knows her view on things! Over the years she has also learnt that’s it’s about listening more to herself. I loved this piece of advice as I’m slowly getting better at following my gut instinct. Not always easy as its normal for our own thinking to be clouded by others and “shoulds”.
Age is a privilege…Julianna made a great point about being older. Many people worry or complain about hitting age milestones, whether it’s thirty, forty, fifty or so on. She talked about enjoying the time we have at the age. I know how the years can fly by so instead of dwelling on any drawbacks of hitting forty I’m trying to focus on the best bits! The next ten years feel important as I’ll also be watching my daughters grow up. I have a feeling I’ll be doing my own growing up in my fourth decade whether it’s about work, business or just about being me.
What did you think about the key things I heard from Julianna Margulies? Do you agree with any of these or do you have a different perspective? Do you think working with women brings different qualities to the workplace? Leave a comment below and let us know.
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More about the Inspire category from www.britmums.com….The content, the voice, the infectious enthusiasm of these bloggers encourages everyone around them, whether it’s about a charitable cause, personal challenges or simply rising to the demands of daily life. These bloggers are leaders in their field and their inspiration reverberates through the community.
Yes, think before you tweet/post. I need to think more in my comments – I get a little slack. Good ideas #FortheloveofBLOG
I completely agree with you here. It is all about one door closes and another one opens, and opportunities are always just around be corner. I’ve certainly found that following my dreams and being myself has really helped. It must have been such an inspiring talk. Thanks so much for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x
Thanks for stopping by Claire. It’s a good tip from Julianna eh? The thing is whether we’re in work or freelancing we are always going to have to deal with disappointment or rejection in some form. So it’s handy to remember that other things will happen. #fortheloveofBLOG
I think the advice about one door closing and another opening is really important… but at the same time, it can be really difficult to keep the faith when you’re in the limbo moment. Also, I think being dependable is one of my core values too – I like people to know that they can rely on me, and it’s what I look for in others too.
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