Seven things I learned about brand – from Linzi Boyd at the Mothers Meeting Conference

Last week I went to the Mothers Meeting Conference to hear Linzi Boyd chat about all things brand. She set up the BOB School (Business of Brand). Linzi shared some gems on how to get everyone talking about your business. It didn’t matter that lots of us were at different stages with our projects and adventures. It was also cool hearing from Jenny Scott who founded and runs Mothers Meetings. About eighty of us gathered in the beautiful Council Chamber at The Town Hall Hotel in Bethnal Green.
In a couple of hours we learned so much about how we need to think about our brand, whether we’re blogging, selling a product, sharing guru expertise or providing a service. At this conference, it was all about leaving our phones ON so we could Tweet and Instagram some gems from the talk. I loved that bit!img_4773

So, here’s seven things I learned from Linzi (and Jenny) in this brand masterclass…

  1. Our brilliance!…Linzi and Jenny reminded us that we are all brilliant. They asked us “who feels that they’re brilliant?’. Sometimes we need to be reminded about this. We took a moment to play The Fame Game. When did you last think about your own brilliance? If it’s been a while or even a few days, give yourself a boost and think about this right now…img_4775
  2. It doesn’t matter if your product or service is similar to someone else’s.  Linzi talked a lot about your product’s DNA and your DNA. These things make your product different to others. I know when I find a new brand, I love hearing about the people behind it. This is also something really important for bloggers to bear in mind. There is always room in the cyberspace for more bloggers as we all have our own voice but it’s also good to think about what makes our blog a little unique. img_4772
  3. Write down your plan...Linzi made this feel manageable. Linzi mentioned that it’s important to write down your plan. A simple plan is OK too. It doesn’t have to be a complicated chart, it can be on a post-it. Some of us mentioned how we used spreadsheets and flow-charts. I love mind-mapping my plans and ideas.
  4. Start with your brand…Rather than developing a product or service and then building your brand, it’s better to start thinking about what your brand stands for first. Linzi asked us to define in one line what our brand vision is about. Jenny pulled up our Instagram pages so we could compare our vision with our current Instagram profile captions. It was a good one as we had to be clear about the bigger value of our brand in only a few words. img_4791
  5. What’s your story? Linzi and Jenny reminded us that we all have a story. We’re all have something different to bring to the marketplace; we just need to define what it is. What matters is the story that supports the brand. This could be your story or how your product or service helps someone else.
  6. Chunk it up!…Linzi encouraged us to think bigger with our brand ideas. It’s not just about the actual product or service but what else the product stands for. It’s also about how your product or service can evolve. Linzi challenged us in a fabulous way to go straight to the top and think hard about what we really want to be known for? How do we want people to be feeling after they’ve experienced our brand? It wasn’t an easy exercise but it was worth the brain time.img_4764
  7. Think about your bigger value…We also had to think about what else our products or services offer people. It may not just be a product or a one-off service. People want more than that so it’s good to think about what is the bigger value.

Linzi and her husband are both entrepreneurs and they both juggle looking after their five-year old and eight-year old. It was refreshing that she reminded us that it’s OK to juggle.

If you’re interested in building your brand in the right way, check out Linzi’s book Brand Famous – How to Get Everyone Talking About Your Business or check out the BOB school for forthcoming courses. Keep an eye out on Mothers Meeting events – we all agreed another follow-up session on brand with Linzi would be super helpful. You can find out more about Linzi and her amazing brand expertise over at…

Twitter @linzi_boyd

Instagram @linziboyd

It was a pretty inspiring to be together with so many talented people. We all bounced off each others’ ideas and questions. So here’s a shout out to those who I knew were there…

Esme Loves  – Jewellery – Online children’s store – Cutlery range is designed just for kids

Sky Rocket London -Baby changing bags for style conscious mums – Online marketplace supporting mums’ post-natal health

@cocoon.child – Global selection of children’s brands launching in Spring 2017 –  Fashion forward knitwear

@jadelovejoy – Luxury greeting cards and personalised prints


@ehd_loves – Interior designer – Coach – Printables for kids

archsirizanelli – Architect


P.S. My Mama Cool clutch is from (I love what this brand stands for, go check it out)


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