So part 2 of the Lucky Things Yoga Love series. Remember yoga isn’t just for detox January! 😉 I loved my pre-natal yoga sessions with Julie K. One of the best things she taught me is that doing child’s pose can help you get back to sleep in the middle of the night. No wonder our kids sleep like that! She is a busy mum of two as well as a yoga teacher who loves running her classes around North London. Here’s her story for Lucky Things blog…
How did you first get into teaching yoga? I had been practicing yoga for quite a while and wanted to deepen my knowledge, so I applied for a wonderful 2 year teaching programme. I started not with the intention of teaching but with the excitement of being able to study with so many amazing yoga mentors, deepening my yoga philosophy and meditation background. During this time I met so many inspiring teachers and students. I’m now enjoying an incredibly rewarding teaching career as well as being able to continue my own journey as both student and teacher.
What do you love about yoga? That it is completely personal – it grows and transforms alongside with you. My practice has changed so much from the time before I had children to now, and it has been with me the whole way. It has taught me to understand myself more, to listen and nurture myself, so I can be more available to others. I love the physical and mental discipline it encompasses, for my body, my mind and spirit.
What’s your motto when things get a bit rough and tough? It is ok to feel – to let yourself cry and express your emotions, but not wallow in them. Positive self-talk is a big one, just simply saying “yup, I can do this, I’m going to survive this…” is very powerful.  I also have a wonderful support network where I feel safe talking about both the light and dark stuff. And nothing cheers me up more than some music, singing or dancing. Oops I think that’s more than one motto! But as mums we need extras.
What are three of your lucky things? My babies – specifically their laughter and joy.
Being able to immerse myself in the natural world whether it be in a vibrant Autumn forest or the beach or watching the sunset outside my house.
Time alone: to breathe, to meditate, to restore, to physically workout, ….and to drink my tea without having to warm it up 10 times!
What’s your one top tip for parents? You are not alone – connecting with other parents is a wonderful way of understanding that everyone is going through varying degrees of sleep deprivation/worrying/tantrums/. food fights etc and there will be tough bits and blissful, amazing bits. Laughing about it and not being afraid to ask for and accept help from others is so important.
What’s your favourite childhood memory? I have so many! Being the second child of five kids I have such wonderful memories growing up – a totally wild and crazy household! A truly warming memory though is that of our Sunday roasts – my father worked very long hours so this was the only time where the entire family would have a proper sit down meal together. I remember the smell of the food cooking, the fireplace being on (winters in Canada, brrr) and so much laughter at the table…simple but magical.
Find out more about Julie K yoga here…
Photo courtesy of Julie K and posted with permission.