Confidence means so many different things to people. It all depends on who we are, what experience we have, what our aspirations are and most importantly how we feel about ourselves. All I know is that the most confident-looking people are not always confident. Self-doubt affects everyone at some time or another. Fact. We all need confidence energisers. So if you want a little inspiration about how to think about confidence or feel more confident, keep reading. At the Lucky Things Meet Up in October, I shared my seven Time to Shine confidence tricks. It got us all thinking. I also set the ladies their Time to Shine mission (homework!)…
Write down 3 words or things that describe what confidence means to you – this is YOUR version of confidence.
Think of these 3 things when you want to feel more confident about something.
I mentioned in the talk that we all need to work out what confidence means to us. We’re all different and so need to define it ourselves. It’s been pretty inspiring looking at the completed Time to Shine missions over the past month. Here’s a selection…
Sima from @thecuriouspixie
- Bold
- Positive
- Having belief in myself
“These words have nurtured the Instagram corner @thecuriouspixie and how I taught my daughters this Summer not to give up on their first mini hikes”.
Alicia from @sunloverlifestyle (check out Alicia’s blog posts on her 6 highlights from the Lucky Things Meet Up and what confidence means to her)
1) Being comfortable
2) Being true
3) Being knowledgeable
Nicki from @oneoutonein
- Feeling Good – about myself and in myself and not listening to those negative little voices in my head, we all get those, right?
- Listening – when people listen it gives you a boost, I try to be mindful of this with my littles, not always easy but, you know, I keep trying.
- Outfits – call it superficial but my outfit and whether or not I like it, completely changes how I feel.
Nina from @mummyandnina
- Courageous – feel the fear and do it anyway.
- Comfortable – with who you are and able to be true to your beliefs, even when others don’t agree with you.
- Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and knowing you can and will handle it come hell or high water.
Emma from @itsmostlyokay
1. Brave – The fact that at times I feel such heartache, but still hold my head high and crack on, this gives me confidence.
2. Love – Feeling loved, being loved and giving love gives me confidence to keep going.
3. Accepting – I accept and I move on, this gives me confidence.
Bella from @alongcamejay (thanks Bella for also doing a blog post on the Lucky Things Meet Up)
- Belief having conviction in your abilities.
- Strength to power on and get on with the task at hand.
- Fearless being brave and being prepared to face obstacles.
Kadie at @not.without
After a bit of digging I decided on…
- Power
- Direction
- Self belief
Kim from @ifthebabyallows (Kim also wrote a blog post on the Weleda goodies and the event)
1. Positive – feeling good about your decisions.
2. Self-assured – feeling comfortable with who you are.
3. Fearless – feel the fear and do it anyway.
Thaarani from @teeclutter
Confidence means different things to everyone but for me I would say belief, comfortable and fearless.
- Believe in yourself.
- Be comfortable in your own skin and style.
- Don’t let fear stop you from doing things.
Oh and mine…
- WOW – always remind yourself of your WOW moments (your achievements big or small).
- Prepared – for whatever you want to feel more confident about.
- Learn – it’s OK to learn from mistakes or if things don’t go to plan (failing isn’t always a bad thing).
So what does confidence mean to you? How would you describe confidence in three words? Fancy joining us and taking part in the Time to Shine confidence mission? It would be great to hear what is your own version of confidence, so leave a comment below. I’m sure every comment will inspire others.
x Sunita
The next Lucky Things Meet Up – Saturday 28 January 2017
Having seen and heard everyone’s thoughts on the last #LuckyThingsMeetUp, it’s fab that we have another meet up in the diaries. This time the theme is Being Mindful, Being You. Dr Tamara Russell will be talking about #whatismindfulness. One of the best things about the Lucky Things Meet Ups is getting everyone together. As well as investing time in yourself, there will be plenty of time for catching up, chat-working (what I call networking), smiles and laughs. I’ll also be sharing my seven Time to Shine tricks on Looking After Yourself.
If you’d like to come along, pop over to the Eventbrite link for more info and how to grab tickets. Early bird priced tickets are currently available until 5 December 2016.
Confidence , to me, is self belief. Having that “can do” attitude. I feel positive about my decisions regarding my son and I feel confident (most of the time) in my abilities as a mother. The other aspects of my life waver at times. #CoolMumClub
I love this. For many reasons. One because you have a meet up – that’s so cool. And secondly because it’s so interesting to see what confidence means to others. Believe in yourself is something I’ve taken away from this. I need to do that more. #coolmumclub
Really interesting to hear the different takes people have! I wonder what my 3 words would be? Need to give it some thought… #CoolMumClub
Love this! This has made me feel more confident just reading this. I can’t wait to come to the next Lucky Things meet up! Thanks for linking this up with #coolmumclub lovely x
This is going to have me thinking for some time I fear, mainly because I can’t think of any words other than Hair. So may be my hair is one? I’m struggling after that. I’ll think and come back! #coolmumclub
Brilliant post for a day when you need a ‘pick me up’ Loved reading all the others! xx
Lovely post Sunita, great idea to share everyone’s versions of what confidence means, lots of different ideas! X
Thanks Emma! Everyone was so cool about sharing their own versions of confidence. They rock! Xxx
Love a bit of a self-help read – this is hugely empowering! Keep up the amazing work sunita 🙂 #coolmumclub
Ah half you liked it. You know how Lucky Things is all about making us feel good about ourselves. Love it that it’s a bit empowering. We are al wonder women!!! #coolmumclub
Oh this is a wonderful post – loved reading what others view confidence as. I’m going to reflect on this today but I feel I agree with Alicia and her mention of feeling comfortable – I think if you feel comfortable confidence oozes from you without even trying and that’s such a wonderful and attractive quality -i’d like to reach that level of confidence. I love you wow sentiment too – going to work on my wow moments today! Can’t wait for the meet up in Jan lovely xx #coolmumclub