How it felt to be a speaker at the Lucky Things Meet Up? By Lucy Eastment, Styled by Lucy

The Lucky Things Meet Ups and Lucky Things Locals are all about bringing people together in real life. Organising the Lucky Things Meet Ups across the UK gives me amazing opportunities to collaborate with talented women. However, when I first approach people in (and outside of) my network  about whether they’d like to speak at the Lucky Things Meet Ups, there isn’t a typical reaction. Many often respond with a “Oh no I couldn’t do that – I can’t speak in front of a big group of people“. After giving them some time to reflect, a follow-up response pops up in my inbox.

It’s these follow-up responses that remind me about why I set up the Lucky Things Meet Ups in the first place – it’s also about giving people the opportunity to shine and share their expertise. It’s not about their career accolades, the size of their Instagram following or the scale of their business. It’s just about being an expert in their own right. It’s about being inclusive and showcasing a diverse range of talent across the UK.  I first met Lucy at London’s Lucky Thing Meet Up in January 2017. So here’s Lucy’s story, Personal Stylist from Styled by Lucy.

How it felt to be asked to be a speaker at the Lucky Things Meet Up?

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Top tips for going to events on your own

Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, many of us can feel a bit nervous or unsure about going to events on our own. They may be events where ten other people are going or maybe hundreds will be there. What I call event anxiety is a very normal feeling. If you haven’t already seen it, don’t forget to check out my blog on top tips on networking. I’ve had to attend events on my own for lots of different reasons. Through my own experience of attending a variety of events in my media, corporate or freelance careers I’ve picked up a few tricks about going to events over the past 20 years. So here seven top tips about going to events on your own… Continue reading

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Lucky Things Blogger: 7 Things I love about the Instagram community 

I’ve always had a thing for pictures. Probably around the age I started getting into photography. Also around the time I arrived in London. Then a few years ago Instagram popped up. I loved it. I could look at pictures for ages. Flickr appeared in my life but we didn’t have the same bond. Having launched @luckythingsblog properly about 6 months ago now I’ve loved what my Instagram has grown into.

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Lucky Things Career: 7 top tips for networking

Networking can be fun as you get to meet new people or it can really make your stomach churn. We all need to network, not just in the work space but also in other social settings. It could be a friend’s wedding or a new baby group. Throughout my career whether in the media or corporate worlds, networking has played an important part in my different roles. Being on maternity leave and moving to new areas has also forced me to brush up on my networking skills. It isn’t just about networking at big events but also about how you make contacts and build links with peeps on a everyday basis. In June, I set myself a challenge of going to a bloggers’ conference Friday night drinks on my own, not knowing anyone (yikes). Here are 7 top tips I thought about before my networking adventure… Continue reading

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