Top tips on looking after yourself

Where are the weeks going? There is always lots to do so it’s important we take time to look after ourselves. If we look after ourselves then I believe we’re also able to feel more confident and focused.

It was pretty cool sharing my top tips for looking after yourself to an inspiring crowd at the Lucky Things Meet Up in January. I wrote these top tips especially for the event. As promised, I wanted to share these on the blog too. I know I’ll be looking back at this list throughout the year! Here you go… Continue reading

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Lucky Things Wellbeing: 7 Confidence Energisers

Hey Lucky Things crew, hope your week is moving along nicely. Looking at how bold my 1 year old and 3 year old can be, I really love their confidence. They seem to generate a lot of it themselves. I know that it’s also really important to nurture confidence in your little ones so I’m always thinking of ideas to make them feel good about themselves, especially Big Munch as she has turned 3 and developing more into a little person/threenager!

As grown-ups, we don’t tend to talk about or remember how great we are. We keep it in as we wouldn’t want to come across as self-centred or possibly arrogant. But we’re all amazing human beings who achieve lots as we juggle life’s ups and downs.

All I know is that confidence comes and goes. We also grow our confidence in different ways. I know a lot of my confidence has grown in certain situations. When I worked as a freelancer years ago, I had no choice but to be confident or at least come across as confident. I was working on my own a lot and with different creative teams each week. I was responsible for promoting “my own brand”. I had to network in media circles although I wasn’t sure if people would be interested in me as there are so many talented people out there. On the flipside, there have been times when confidence levels are dented or take a little dip. At the end of the day, deep down we ALL operate on some level of confidence so we just need to give it a little energy boost every now and then. Continue reading

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