Happy new year Lucky Things. I hope your year is filled with lots of smiles and fun adventures. So the first blog post of 2016 is about something nice and healthy. Thank goodness for yoga. Sometimes you’re in need of a good stretch, a little escape or maybe a tougher workout. Last week I’d been lucky enough to try out something new – hip hop yoga. Tumbling and losing my balance with a smile as I found myself bopping my head, shoulders, knees and toes along to Snoop and Pharell’s tune Beautiful.
Yoga classes always feel like a true me-treat, proper time out and 100% concentration required. Yoga teachers come and go but there are a few teachers who have really inspired and looked after me and my friends along the way. Enjoy the Lucky Things Yoga Love series…
One amazing teacher I know is Sunnah Rose, a yoga, pregnancy and postnatal yoga teacher based in North London. Me and Big Munch loved her pregnancy and postnatal classes a couple of years ago N2-side. Here’s what Sunnah had to say when we interviewed her for Lucky Things.
How did you first get into teaching yoga? I actually didn’t want to teach, it fell in to my lap. My mum was a yoga teacher and serious meditator so I attended her classes in my late teens and really enjoyed it. After university my Grandma offered to pay for me to do my Teacher Training which I said yes to, mostly because I wanted to spend a month in India – when I came back home I tried other careers while teaching but eventually the yoga just pulled me in.
What do you love about yoga? It keeps me grounded, present and questioning.
What’s your motto when things get a bit rough and tough? After having a momentary panic and breakdown I then try to remember that actually what I have is really good and mostly I try to trust in the universe and hope there is a reason for everything. It has proved okay this far.
What are three of your lucky things? My family which is made up of more than 3 !
What’s your one top tip for parents and carers? Love the big and SMALL moments.
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