Why we will always have to live with change

Lucky Things is all about helping you and others to feel more confident about our wellbeing and our careers. A word that comes up lot in my own head is change. Not just because of my HR career but what we’ve had to deal with along the way. Well, what a year we’ve all had juggling changes due to the pandemic. Pre Covid-19, we all have different experiences of change. It might crop up every now and then or feel like an everyday thing. So why is it that we always have to live with change?  Continue reading

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Top tips on feeling confident about your children starting school

In the run up to children starting or returning school after half-terms or holidays, there can be a whirlwind of emotions. We focus lots on how much we want our children to feel happy and confident about starting school, but what about the grown ups? It’s also important to look after your own wellbeing and confidence as a parent when your child walks into a new era. So here’s some ideas about how to feel confident and happy when your child is returning to or starting school.

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