Blogger: Why I’m off to Mumsnet #Blogfest16

It’s obvious I love blogging. There are lots of reasons why. I’m heading to Mumsnet #Blogfest16 with about 500 other blogger colleagues. In true Lucky Things style, here’s seven reasons why…

  1. It’s good to get people together…It’s lovely looking at the Insta comments and Tweets seeing that blogger pals are going to be meeting up (and for the first time). There’s a real energy when you get to see people IRL who you don’t get to see in person much. We loved getting everyone together at the first ever Lucky Things Meet Up back in October. This year, I’ve encouraged a few of my blogger pals (well friends really) to come along to their first blogger conference. Thanks to jeniwhitchurch from Where I Write who won tickets last minute and kindly gave the second prize to one of my friends.

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