Seven reasons to get out and about with your kids

Over the past couple of months I’ve been much better at getting out and about on my own with three-year old Big Munch and Toddler Munch. To be honest, it’s taken me a while to feel really confident about going into town with two in tow. But now I’ve kind of mastered it. Seeing my friends at different events and gatherings recently reminded me why it’s so important to get out and about with our babies, toddlers and kids. Continue reading

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Seven things I love about the Mama Meets at Olive Loves Alfie East, London

One thing I know is that it’s really important for me to get out and about in London with the girls. Even more important to do this when I’m looking after the girls on my own. The other week I popped along to my first Mama Meet at the creative family store Olive Loves Alfie East.  It was a day out for me and my two girls as we ventured over to Stratford with Big Munch on foot and Toddler Munch in the buggy. The Mama Meet is a chilled gathering organised by the store and Emma from Finlay and Fox. I heard about the Mama Meet through Instagram and spotted that Mary and Emma from Supercharged Club were doing a talk. I grabbed a ticket online.olivelovesaflie-14

Here’s seven things we loved about the Mama Meet… Continue reading

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