Why it’s good to think about intentions and not just goals

At the first Central London Lucky Things Meet Up, we heard from one of the world’s leading mindfulness experts and neuroscientists Dr. Tamara Russell . She shared everyday tips on looking after ourselves. Tamara also talked to us about the value of setting intentions. When Tamara and I first planned our talk together, hearing her views on why intentions are helpful made sense. It completely changed my own outlook on setting goals.

Here are some highlights from the talk and why Tamara encourages us to focus on our intentions rather than goals. I’ve also shared how I’ve started to use intentions more. As a intro, here’s what Tamara’s has to say about intentions in her book Mindfulness in Motion (Watkins, 2015). Continue reading

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Career: Celebrate your skills and talents

Whatever we do as day jobs or careers, over time, we build up a collection of skills and talents. Some we know we have but we may also surprise ourselves with our hidden skills. We pick up skills through training, on the job and every day tasks. We pick them up as we try out new things or projects. A we’re busy with work and life in general we can forget about our many skills and talents. Whether you’re in a job, working on your own business, trying both or a stay at home mum or dad, it’s important to celebrate your skills and talents… Continue reading

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Top tips for setting goals 

So it’s that time of year when we start thinking about things we want to do in the new year. Some of us like to think about resolutions, some of us ponder about goals and some like to dream about our wish lists or future achievements. Goals are also about everyday things from things to tick off the to-do list or stuff that needs to get done.

I know the months go by quickly and next thing we know we’re well into 2017. I’ve been thinking a lot about my 2017 goals over the last two months. There are a mix of big and small ones.  This week, I’ve focused more on my goals for next week. So here’s seven top tips for setting goals that work for you…

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