Food: Lunch at Drake and Morgan’s The Folly, City of London

I’ve worked in the City of London for over 15 years. We were spoilt for choice when it came to popping out for lunch or after work suppers. Over the past couple of years I discovered the Drake and Morgan venues for lunch, drinks and supper. All of their venues also do a mean brunch. Here’s seven things I love about The Folly in one of my favourite corners of the City… Continue reading

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The Lucky Things Meet Up in pictures 

Yesterday, I wrote about why it’s important to get people together and what inspired me to organise the first Lucky Things Meet up. Looking at the event on Instagram and doing a little search on #luckythingsmeetup has been lots of fun. Everyone captured  fab photos of our afternoon. In-between lots of chatting, I managed to take a few snaps of some of the lovely ladies who came along. I know I didn’t get to take pics of lots of you who were also there. Enjoy flicking through our afternoon at the Lucky Things Meet Up…
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Why it’s good to get people together – the first Lucky Things Meet Up

img_8132On a Sunday morning back in September, I realised that I wanted to get people together. A chance to hang out with some of the ladies who I’d linked up with via Lucky Things blog, Twitter and Instagram. It had to be in October. November felt too far away. As everyone was so responsive to the Lucky Things Meet Up idea, it felt easy to organise. Venue booked. E-invites sent out. Treats organised. The first Lucky Things Meet Up, to be held at Drake and Morgan’s The Drift Bar on a Sunday afternoon, was starting to come together.

Don’t forget to check out the follow-up post The Lucky Things Meet Up in Pictures.

Here’s more than seven things why I organised the meet up…

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