Blogger: Seven top tips for your first blogger conference (I’m off to #Blogfest16)

Back in June 2016, I went to my first bloggers conference run by BritMums #BML16. I had the best time. Yes, it was a crazy busy day but I met loads of amazing bloggers and other peeps who I’ve become friends with or collaborated with. After #BML16 I knew that I wanted to go to Blogfest 2016 in November. Over the past few months, I’ve been encouraging many blogger friends to head to their first bloggers conference. So it’s fab that some of them will be coming along to #Blogfest16. As with most blogger conferences, there is so much to do and see during the day. Best of all, there are so many lovely people to meet and say hi to.


Here are my seven tips if you’re heading to your first blogger conference (also handy reminders for those who aren’t newbies)… Continue reading

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