The golden rules…according to Big Munch aged 3

We’ve been discussing the golden rules in our house recently. Three and a half year old Big Munch has been the chair of the discussion. Me and Mr H have to just listen. We have secretly been chuckling about her golden rules but they do make sense (well most of them anyway). Here are the golden rules according to Big Munch…

  1. “No singing and dancing at breakfast time Mummy!”…I love to sing (although I don’t have the best voice) and I love to dance (which I’m pretty good at!). Big Munch correctly tells me off as we’re not allowed to dance at the table in case we have food in our mouth.
  2. “No laughing Mummy”…When I’ve had to have stern (but gentle) words with Big Munch about her behaviour and then I try to end the conversation with a positive note and with a big “I love you and you’re amazing” smile, Big Munch thinks I am laughing at the situation. I explain that I’m just happy but this doesn’t cut it. Giggle rules. Never thought they’d ever exist in our house, but they do.
  3. Elsa or Anna hair please…There are only two options for hair rules in our house. I have a feeling this is the same in homes of little girls across the world. I’ve got to love it when Big Munch loves playing with my hair. Sometimes it’s actually quite relaxing (apart from those grab-hair moments that make me yell out).
  4. Wear what you like on stay at home with Mummy days…I love giving her freedom to choose her outfits on non-nursery days. Well, to be honest I gave up the battle  a few months ago. Luckily she doesn’t select her Frozen dress at every opportunity. At the moment I’m loving the dress over the jeans look. Oh and pink is the colour for all seasons in our house. We wear pink every day, that’s one of the fashion rules. I love it that Toddler Munch still lets me choose her clothes for her.
  5. “What happens after this book?”…So I try to manage expectations during our bedtime reading routine that at some very near point in the future Big Munch will have to go into her bed and go to sleep. When I ask her this question she responds with the same question. I tell her “we go to sleep” and she says “well done Mummy”. Still doesn’t work even when she bounces the question back to me. The golden rule here is that just because you manage expectations it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen!
  6. “I’ll get the spoons”…I’ve got to love this golden rule as Big Munch is a a real helper. My Mum says that when she helps out, it reminds her of me when I was little. Big Munch is my assistant (when she lets me be boss), as well as my first-born bestie and my sidekick.
  7. “I’m not a miracle, I’m Batman-Elsa”…Don’t even try and call Big Munch by her real name at times. Just like Beyonce she has an alter-ego and Big Munch switches into her Batman-Elsa. I love this rule as every girl should be half-super hero half-sparkly princess. The best response she ever exclaimed was when I told her she is “mummy’s miracle”. She reminded me that she is Batman-Elsa. Who else? Silly me.

I really don’t want Big Munch or Toddler Munch to grow up too fast. But it will be funny to see what golden rules Toddler Munch comes up with one day.

What are the golden rules in your house? Do you set the golden rules? What habits or traditions do you have as a couple or a family? Share the golden rules love and leave a comment below…x Sunita

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